بررسی اصول جبر راطه ای در sql Server

جبر رابطه ای در sql

توسط admin | گروه SQL Server | 1396/03/19

نظرات 0

 در این بخش به بررسی چند مثال از جبر راطه ای می پردازیم.

مثال از Projection

مثال: جدول با عنوان E (for EMPLOYEE)


nr name salary
1 John 100
5 Sarah 300
7 Tom 100



SQL Result Relational algebra
select salary from E 
select nr, salary from E 
nr salary
1 100
5 300
7 100
PROJECTnr, salary(E)

بدون رکورد تکراری


The same table E (for EMPLOYEE) as above.


SQL Result Relational algebra
select * from E where salary < 200 
nr name salary
1 John 100
7 Tom 100
SELECTsalary < 200(E)
select * from E where salary < 200 and nr >= 7 
nr name salary
7 Tom 100
SELECTsalary < 200 and nr >= 7(E)

Note that the select operation in relational algebra has nothing to do with the SQL keyword select. Selection in relational algebra returns those tuples in a relation that fulfil a condition, while the SQL keyword select means "here comes an SQL statement".

Relational algebra expressions

SQL Result Relational algebra
select name, salary from E where salary < 200 
name salary
John 100
Tom 100

PROJECTname, salary (SELECTsalary < 200(E))


or, step by step, using an intermediate result

Temp <- SELECTsalary < 200(E) 
Result <- PROJECTname, salary(Temp)



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